Tuesday, August 16, 2016

doing nothing...

Do you ever get this grand idea or plan in your head that you know is going to be so amazing once you just get it started... But then you do nothing...

Story of my life.

It doesn't even have to be a big idea. It could just be the simple thought of "I am going to get off the couch and do the dishes"... Yeah...

I've done a whole lot of nothing the last 2 days. That's not entirely true. I've done a lot of thinking... And a lot of wasting time with my addictions (something I will tell you about some day)... I just haven't done anything extremely productive... I've thought about doing lots of things. But...

That is how my idea of this blog has turned out. I think about posting stuff all the time. I just don't actually DO it. I still believe it is a good idea and could be beneficial to myself and others. I just don't know how to get it going... So I'm just going to do my best to remember this bit of advice I once received...

I already established that the reason for me to blog {the WHY} is to help get all my thoughts and ideas out of my head. So I guess I just need to be better at letting go, opening up and actually doing things. I'll work on that... later, when I'm done doing nothing.

Thursday, August 4, 2016

why I am choosing to blog

I have heard many people talk about the voices in their heads.
I don't have voice{S}... I just have ONE...
My own. 
And it seems impossible to get her to SHUT UP!

This is why I am choosing to follow the prompting I had to start this blog. First, it will help me sort through and make sense of all my thoughts. Second, I know I will personally grow from getting everything out of my head and into the open. And third, and most important, I KNOW all my ramblings, life experiences, trials and tribulations, personal growth and dull sense of humor WILL help someone out there. So this is for YOU and me. I want you to know, you are not alone.

I often have felt like my life has been simple and I haven't been faced with many trials. But that is not true. The majority of my trials are not seen by those around me. It has taken me most of my life to see and accept those challenges I have been faced with. You see, the majority of the trials and challenges I face are mental. It's all in my head. And that's why I need to get it all out and change my thoughts. I know I can, because I have seen progress in myself while working on it. And I know you can change your thoughts too. It is a long and difficult process, but it is possible. Will I ever be fully perfect in mind? Of course not. But that's okay. No one is perfect or is expected to be perfect. But we can all STRIVE to be so. After all,...

"I can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST which STENGTHENETH ME." ~ Philippians 4:13